Monday, May 31, 2010
Memorial Day
Saturday, May 29, 2010
to Alabama
Friday, May 28, 2010
one month later
River is doing great. He loves to eat and it is beginning to show. He also really enjoys tummy time. He'll often lay like this for long stretches without complaining (Baby Liam thought even a few seconds of this was torture...which might have a lot to do with his not crawling until after 12 months).
He sleeps great at night, just waking up twice to eat. We're still working at establishing a napping schedule. Some days he naps great. Other days he doesn't and I almost go crazy between his overly-tired crankiness and keeping up with Liam and his antics. But we're dealing.
Liam still hasn't shown even a hint of jealousy towards River. He loves to come upstairs and say good morning to his little brother, he gets upset when River cries, and he lets me know when River has dropped his pacifier. He seems to genuinely enjoy looking out for him.
But Liam isn't exactly an angel. We power-struggle much of the day, and today he threw a book which bounced off River's head. River almost didn't even notice (he was nursing...), but Liam knew he'd be in trouble as soon as the book left his hands.
Tomorrow early early morning, we'll be loading up the car with both kids and all of the necessary gear and driving to Alabama where we'll visit Ben and his family. On Tuesday, we'll join them for their trip down to Destin, FL. We plan to come home the following Saturday.
Either we are very brave or very stupid. Or both. The return trip is a 14-hour drive. It could be interesting with a newborn...
But we are looking forward to the visit with Ben, Carolyn, and Grace and a week on the beach. We'll see how it goes.
Monday, May 24, 2010
a week of Grandma love
On Friday, we made the big trip out to the Tulsa zoo. This was River's first big road trip, and he slept through it just fine.
Liam enjoyed the zoo, especially since Grandma was there to share it with.
Monday, May 17, 2010
long johns for everyone
He was so big when he was born that he only fit into them while we were still in the hospital (click here to see).
River, of course, also wore the long johns in the hospital, and even though he is definitely growing, he can still barely squeeze into them.
Molly ordered Liam a pair of big boy long johns because the picture possibilities were just too cute.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Tia y Tio
Friday, May 14, 2010
Yes, I can do this.
We went on a walk down the hill and around the corner to the cafe downtown. Liam rode in the stroller; River in the mei tai wrap.
Liam had a cookie. I sipped a decaf Americano (I have discovered that River is a much happier baby if I keep the caffeine out of both of our systems...ditto for broccoli, too).
We sat in the chairs outside, watching the cars drive by. Liam gave a running commentary on the comings and goings of downtown Siloam:
Big truck
Whoa, BIG truck
Then he was back in the stroller, and we headed home.
Sure, it was a small trip, but it was still a trip.
I think I just might be able to handle the two of them by myself.
all spiffied up
Thursday, May 13, 2010
two weeks
And he is sleeping well at night, waking to nurse 2 or 3 times.
I'm soaking up all this newborn-sleepiness while I can.
Liam is still adjusting to the change of pace at home. He loves River. Loves to hold him. Loves to talk to him. Loves to help me burp him.
But he has been quite the handful. Extra whiney. Extra fussy. Extra testy.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Botanical Garden of the Ozarks
The last time we had been there was just after Liam was born, so it only seemed fitting that we visit again with a brand new baby River.
The morning was beautiful. Sunny and just warm enough. Liam had fun walking all of the trails.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
sponge bathing
the sandbox
Thursday, May 6, 2010
first week and first day
Like all milestone days, this one was bittersweet.
He is now waking every 2 hours, wanting to nurse, and sometimes even more frequently. Since he is doing so great with the daytime feedings, if he wants to sleep for a 5 hour stretch at night, I have been letting him.
Liam loves to hold River (with lots of assistance on my part...), and is still reminding me often that he is the big brother. He seems to genuinely enjoy River's presence and likes to say Hi and I see you, River.
the bitter
I woke up with a hideous monster of a cold sore on my lip, a parting gift from the mild cold I picked up at the hospital. This is really more of an annoyance than anything else, but it really doesn't help with my post-baby body blues...
And then I stepped on a nail in the backyard. A big framing nail. It went straight through my gardening crocs and into the sole of my foot. Getting the protruding nail out of the mulch, convincing Liam that we had to go inside, and taking care of River while trying to clean my injury was not a fun experience. And now I'm hobbling around like a gimp while trying to carry a newborn and take care of a toddler. Still not fun.
And then the crowning moment: I was sitting on the couch, holding a sleeping River while Liam napped, when I noticed a snake slithering across the living room rug. It was just a small prairie ringneck, harmless, but still it was a live snake. Thank you, Coleridge.
I grabbed the broom and whisked it out the front door.
Let's just say I was not calm and collected super mom by the time Gabriel came home from work.
But we made it through the day, a lovely friend from church brought us homemade bread and potato soup, and we barely made it through the latest episode of Lost without nodding off.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
savoring the Daddy time
River zonked out strapped to my chest while Liam played on the playground.